Some healthcare savings ideas.
1.Cap malpractise at $250,000. Texas capped OBGYN at $250,000 and premiums dropped 68%. Why not cap all medical malpractice at $250,000?
2.Encourage salaried practitioners instead of fee-for-service. Like any business higher gross can increase profits. This creates a bias towards offering the most expensive remedy insurance will allow. Cleveland Clinic and others use the salaried model and save.
3.No moral hazards accepted. They didn't in the 1980's. Why are we paying for someone that puts themself in danger?
4. Skin in the game. 80/20 or 90/10 co-pay plans have much lower cost. You have to have some co-pay.
The effect of government in healthcare cost. Since the government got into the health care business in the 60's the average family works almost FOUR times as many hours to pay for care.(Forbes)