The legal system in the US has become like the medical care system. If you are middle class you are liable. The rich have spare resources and the poor are supported by the taxpayers.This site may help you prepare for a Pro-Se legal action.

America's forgotten right is the right to defend yourself in court. It's orgin is from 1641 in Bay Colony. You could have somone speak for you in court,but they could not recieve pay. While pro-se law is defended by the upper courts it may be a different story at county levels. Most legislators are lawyers so you're fighting a guild
with teeth.
Small Claims state list Small claims have
an average limit of $7500 and an award only
gives you the right to seek collection, not the money.
Theoretically states with higher small claims
limits may be friendlier to the concept of pro-se.
Virginia offers only $5,000 while some have
$25,000 with no limit on evictions.
Most states have Self Help Sites. Maryland has
centers for family law in most counties.
Intermediary law firms. They prepare
paperwork and provide coaching.
Potential savings if you hate forms. see example

2017 fed law removed the threat of a judgement. Collections are tougher now.
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